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The Enstra Team


Peter Franklin

Founder - Director

Peter is an expert practitioner and trainer in Pyramid Thinking Plus. Peter has 20 years experience in the energy sector at senior management level, as well as 20 years of experience in consultancy.


Mandy Meehan

Senior Consultant

Mandy is a utility expert and has worked across water, gas and electricity specialising in revenue assurance and revenue recovery. Mandy is a trained professional in the use of Pyramid Thinking Plus to create compelling communications.


Ian Campbell

Senior Associate

Ian is both an expert practitioner and experienced trainer in Pyramid Thiking Plus. He has over 40 years experience of the utilities sector from an IT perspective.


Andrew Beasley

Senior Associate

Andrew is both an expert practitioner and trainer in Pyramid Thinking Plus.
Andrew has over 30 years experience in energy. He has managed energy supply businesses as well as holding senior positions in the IT sector focused on Utilities.

Enstra Consulting

23 Seaton Close, London SW15 3TJ, England

Tel +44 7947 436350

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